How to contribute

Build an audience!

By contributing to this site you are increasing your exposure to a broad audience of people who may currently or potentially need legal services.  This site will expose your web address and other links you provide to the audience that both read and subscribe to this site.

Please see example posting here.

How to contribute

Article length:

The article should be at least 150 (minimum) to 700 (maximum) words.  The content of the article should be written in a way that a layperson can easily understand and relate to real life situations.  It is recommended to stay away from technical legal terms to be included in the article unless explained therein.

Suggested title length:

20 words maximum

Select areas of law which best fits your article (choose at least one):

Criminal Defense, Trusts and Wills, Immigration, Real Estate, Tax, Business, Patents and Copy Rights, Family Law, DUI, Partnerships and Corporations, Disability and Social Security, Other (please make suggestions)

Biography and Information:

Please include the following if you are a new author. This information will be a part of your personal profile on

  • *Bio Summary: 50 words
  • *Email address
  • Professional Social Network links: Facebook, Linked-In, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.
  • Web address of the practice you are a part.
  • *Your position in the practice (e.g. Partner, CEO, Owner, etc.)
  • *Professional Credentials (State you are licensed to practice and current statues)
  • *Please include a head shot (jpeg, gif, png)

* – Indicates required

Please email all articles to [email protected]. Please put “Legal Ease Article Submission” in the subject line of the email. If your article is accepted, the editor will response to your request with recommended edits if any.  The article(s) will NOT be posted until the author and the editor have confirmed agreement.